How Much Do Manufactured Homes and Modular Homes in PA Cost?
Several times a week we receive phone calls from customers asking, “How much do our homes cost.” While this may seem like a reasonable question to buyers, there’s not a simple answer. We sell several types of homes including single wide homes, double wide homes, and modular homes in PA, all of which come in a variety of sizes and floor plans. Depending on whether or not you’re looking for an entry level, mid line or high end home, we offer varying sets of construction and material standards which affect the base price accordingly.
Those customers interested in our turnkey services have a selection of foundation choices including pier footings and skirting, a crawlspace, or a basement. The construction costs are specific to each individual site, whether it be a private lot with or without on-site utilities, or a land lease community. Until we know what type and size of home you’re looking for and where it will be placed, we can only give you the starting prices for single wide, double wide and modular homes. However, this may not be what you’re looking for.
For the buyer who is considering a manufactured or modular home purchase, you’ll need to answer these questions before we can give you a price:
Do you have land and where your home will be located?
The size and shape of your land may dictate the size and style of your home. A smaller lot may mean a two story rather than a ranch. A long and narrow lot can better accommodate a single wide or end-entry double wide or modular home. You also need to consider the zoning setbacks to be sure you don’t choose a home that’s too large to fit within the allowed home space.
In addition to the size, you need to find out if your land is within the home builder’s delivery area. At RidgeCrest Home Sales, we prefer to set homes within 1-2 hours of our office. This allows us to provide service in a timely manner after the sale.
What type of home are you looking for?
Some customers already know whether they’re looking for a single wide, double wide or modular home, while others either haven’t decided or may want more information on what the differences are in construction and price. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have and review the benefits and differences for each home type.
What type of foundation do you want?
Customers purchasing a single wide home will generally go on a pier footing foundation with skirting. There are several options for skirting including premium vinyl, panels that have a stone or brick appearance, and insulated skirting with a stucco finish.
When purchasing a double wide home, customers have the option of a pier footing foundation with skirting, a crawlspace option, or a full basement foundation. Customers purchasing a modular home can either choose a crawlspace or basement foundation. Depending on the type of home and your foundation choice, you may need to upgrade to a residential frame or add an interior basement entrance.
These are just two examples of additional costs that may or may not be applicable based on your home type. Until we know basic information such as what type of home you like and your foundation choice, we can’t provide you with an accurate cost.
What are your expectations for the home?
Whether it’s their first home or their dream home, every buyer has a list of “must have” items on their wish list. It’s important that we have this information prior to providing you with a price quote. RidgeCrest offers several different series of homes that range from entry level to top-of-the-line standards.
Once we know what specific items you want in your home, we can direct you to the proper home series and give you a starting price point. For example, if you tell us that you’re searching for a double wide with 100% drywall throughout, wood cabinetry and upgraded carpets, we’ll probably recommend that you take a look at our Paramount Collection by Atlantic or the Deercreek Series by Colony. Both of these series of homes include those features in the base price, as well as many other similar upgrades you may be interested in.
If you were to call and ask how much our double wide homes cost without providing us with any additional information, we may say they start around $50,000. While this may be true for an entry level home, you won’t find a Paramount or Deercreek home for this price. Until we know what your expectations are for a new home, we can’t accurately quote you a starting price point.
Do you have an overall budget for this project?
Many customers have a vision of what they hope their completed project will look like. However, sometimes this vision is not within the limits of their budget. Prior to beginning your home search, it’s important to determine a dollar amount for a comfortable monthly payment.
Every $100,000+ home you walk into at a sales center will be beautiful and you’ll immediately see yourself living there. Although it’s fun to look at pretty houses, if it’s not within your budget, there’s no sense looking through every home on the lot. Keep in mind, your total budget includes the home, all site work and construction costs, and depending on your specific situation, the cost of land may need to be included as well. In addition, some lenders may require taxes and insurance to be included in your monthly mortgage payment.
All of these costs factor in your total monthly mortgage payment. We encourage all customers to visit our sales center and sit down with a RidgeCrest Home Sales consultant who can look at your total budget and determine home and construction pricing estimates based on your specific situation.